Thursday, April 12, 2012


Read this Audrey's long post!

" but once time passes, you would probably not remember most of it. then, you'll move on."

"Your two selves: Most people are not aware of the fact that they have two different selves. You have a mind and a spirit (consciousness), and though they seem like one thing, they are separate. The way to realize that this is true is to realize that something has to be listening to the thoughts created by your mind.

What is it that hears your thoughts?

There is the part of you that thinks and the part that hears the thoughts. The thinking part is your mind; the part that hears the thoughts is your spiritual-self. You do not actually hear thoughts through your ears, because your mind is already inside your head. The point is, your spiritual-self receives the things the mind creates in a similar way to hearing them."

"no one can predict the future anyway. sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances you may just let the right one slip away. but if you think that you are with the right one now, then cherish each other. make the best out of what you currently have. no matter how bad the situation is, don't let go. you don't wanna regret your decision later in the future."

"without that person you'll be miserable. you'll feel empty. every street and every shop every place, you will fill your head with those memories that you've had with that person. those flashbacks come to you. you know it, you will be sad. its not easy to forget okay."


Just doing loads of quoting!

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