Monday, February 27, 2012

Last Exam!

Haha yes.

All my recent titles have a "Last' attached to them!

FA Test was...
w o w.
Most of my answers are 草草了事。:x
Mr Ng said this paper is actually more reflective of uni standard.
And uni doesn't give you the case study in advance.
Thus, we are expected to react on the spot.

And Mr Ng reminded us about Letting Go.
Sometimes when we have too many things on our hand,
we are unable to hold each and every of them.
In an effort to hold onto everything, we may lose everything.
So, what do we do?
Hold onto the most valuable one, and let go of the rest.
But letting go ain't easy.
Because it hurts.
Thus it is tough, and it takes time.

Yep, that's for the test!

We've made it! haha:)

Made the rest waited for a long long time because our group's marks wasn't printed.
& we did rather well for the project :)
Honestly honestly, didn't expect to get a good grade because it was some really rushed work!
But those 2 weeks of at least 11-6pm every day will be something I will always remember.
Great team:)

Ate at Mensaaa!

Took pictures at the Mushroom!

It was our first meeting place when we arranged to attend our first FA lecture...

and we started recalling how awkward it was,
and everyone staring at the Koi pond,
as if watching the fishes were more interesting hahaha.


Highlights of the day:
1. Minhui (to Michelle): "you thirsty ah? I want to pee."
Howcher repeating that and we realised it was really funny.
Howcher(demonstrating): "you hungry ah? I want to shit."

2. Eldred being "shoved" to the back upon boarding the bus haha.

3. Collecting of brochures!

4. Allen not knowing what and how fantastic a place MALDIVES is!
And him being fascinated, went to a random booth to enquire about it!
&the staff thought he was a celebrity hahaha.

5. Travel agencies taking interest in us noticing our big group.

6. Allen: "This is for how many people ah?"
Wenbin: For 5 people. (merely answering by counting number of people shown in the brochure's picture LOL)

7. Eldred and Allen laughing about "crrredit card" --"

8. We saw 徐乃麟at the Taiwan Booth.

9. We took pictures with one of the "ji xiang wu"! :D
NATAS Fair Photo Contest! 
10. Minhui being the pilot of A380. haha.

11. TAIWAN, 我们要来了!^^

Found in 11 minutes.

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