Saturday, November 5, 2011

Astons no. 2!

Finally after 2 weeks,
I get to see these familiar faces again!
Can you imagine...
from seeing each other almost every day
and this is after 14 days!

And yes,
No. 1 We always repeat each other.
No. 2 The person who hears it will say, "Just now ____ also said this!"


Howcher had to work till 10. tsktsktsk.
Wenbin went to play pool. tsktsktsk x2.

Stories I heard:
1. Jiamin's story. haha no elaboration.
2. Jerald talking about employment and immigration.
And the confident Audrey said 'innovation'
3. Jiong's story. About being a 'supervisor'. and Burping story haha!
4. Minhui's story. Her company is at level 3.
5. Jiamin and her rope for Fire emergencies hahaaa!
6. Mingxuan getting stressed! M&M!
7. Eldred and 'err okay' again.
And, "Ni mei ci zhe yang de lehhh"
8. Allen and his Twitter story hahaaa!
Emo that nobody replies him.
So must make declaration.
Even Michelle's bf laughed.
9. Mabel couldn't finish her onion rings due to her stomach.
10. The Korean bbq story.

These are just some of them.

And we took so long the settle the bill!
I believe it is the first time?
First time - GST, Svc Charge
Second time - Only GST, no Svc Charge
Still had excess.
Then Allen the Auditor stepped in..
to help Minhui the Accountant.

The bill was GST inclusive!
So misleading!

We kept collecting and rewinding to avoid refunding.

And this is called a "funky" shot. -- Minhui

Where did the excess money go to?

And this was the cover of my Green Milk Tea!

The staff helped us take a picture from inside the stall!
So cool...
Like have some frame right.

Oh ya....
And Jiong being the Boss' son.
All the guys wore formal except him.
And Jiamin is our secretary hahaha.
Only she wore slightly more formal than us.

And Michelle's bf overheard Minhui saying that he did "kayaking"
He still corrected her that it is "Dragonboat"
And Michelle said "Cooking Curry"

Hope I can see them soon againnn!
And repeat the stories again and again and again.

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