Heard of this line for almost 7 years now?

I reckon this would be a long post.
I mean like, how often do I get to blog about this?
And, there are many things to talk about!
Finally caught Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows P.1.
I kinda enjoyed it probably because I read the book,
and knew what was going to happen and what's not.
And so, I shall start from the very beginning!
Nope, not gonna cut the long story short!
Met Wenbin first at Bugis to get the tickets.
Before that, I was very 'gan chiong' cos I was worried the tickets would be gone by the time we got there.
So I asked him to check every nw & then with his phone.
Thanks Wenbin!
And so we headed to Iluma.
Upon reaching....
Okay this is one of the long parts.
(can skip if u want)
There were 3 filmgarde staff involved:
Young ticketing staff, Older ticketing staff, and a Pro ticketing staff.
We first went to the young ticketing staff,
asking about the student prices,
as well as the iphone stickers & notebooks promotion.
She seemed like she wasn't aware of it of both of the things I asked.
So we left, saying we'll come bk again.
Called audrey.
Asked wenbin to let the girl see that there's really such a promotion regarding the stickers¬ebks.
I think girl and guy think differently in the sense that,
Mymentality: Let her see at least she knows what we are talkin abt. If there rly isn't any, I'll be convinced.
Wenbin'smentality: If there is something, she would definitely give it to us. So why show it to her when she has already said no?
But I win:) 好男不跟女斗:D
However, it done with some persuasion.
(I compliment you hor!)
When we went back the 2nd time,
I got the feeling that the young one was probably new too.
She looked like she needed to maintain that straight face very badly and told us,
"Can you enquire about this to my colleague over there?"
with her lips not seeming want to move at all.
Haha, & i laughed & "okok".
Okay now we go to the Older ticketing staff.
She was better in the sense that she knew a little tiny bit better?
The PRO ticketing staff comes into picture saying that,
"It's While Stocks Last."
with what I see as an attitude face.
But I don't know if she meant it in an attitude way.
Okay, nevermind, Convinced.
In conclusion, we got our tickets:)
Omg. I'm still at the tickets part.
Ok then, Wenbin initially wanted to drink KOI cos he din have a very nice impression when he last drank it which was his First.
But I was thinking of Ilovetaimei, with audrey.
So we went Ilovetaimei.
Ordered our drinks.
Same drink, different sizes, different toppings.
HQ: 50%. WB: 75%.
When wenbin got his first sip,
It was so funny.
Cos he was like, "OH." "OH." for 2-3 times.
And why? cos the drink was tasted real sweet on the first sip!
Yep, it was!
Another funny thing was, I wanted to msg audrey,
asking if they wanted to meet us at ILTM.
But talking to wenbin,
I SENT HIM THAT SMS, addressed to audrey.
&then while walking, i realised i shouldn't hv even sent that cos we have already moved past ILTM.
So we slowly walked & looked.
Headed to bugis junction to wait for them at the 130busstop:D
Went into topshop and touched the clothes.
lol. $59 for one sweater hor. dont play play.
We stood only for a while and then there came their bus 130^^
We went ILTM together:D
haha forced him to take this while waiting for the rest to take their orders.

:Othis looks cute! natural:) haha i din mean to take this on purpose.

what meant to be one natural shot seems so fake.. as usual...haha audrey and i say this pic nice. but he beg to differ.
The 2 who always do the same expression when it comes to taking photos. Ourtickets:D can see my perspiration sticking my hair to my face!

After that, we rushed to iluma.
It was almost time!
When wenbin went to the toilet,
everybody was like rushing him,
and calling his name.
so funnyyy!!!
"Wenbin!!! wenbin kuai dian!"
Jerald's in the u-know-where. with flash! can u see voldemort at the top? :/ ahem. harry's missing wand. guys' pic. stand so farfrmeachother! Poutx2! plus 2 straight and 1curly hair:C Dobby died:( so sad...
(2drops of tears w/o anyone noticing.:$)

Haha even though it looks 'act cool' but it's nice. Harry potter xiao shi hou! Ron weasley's face. forever spastic. haha. from 1-7. Wad's mabel looking at?!! Sirius! Yeah. he's dead too. in order of phoenix. Jerald said his crystal ball v nice. and i agree! Thanks for taking the time to read!
I shall end here:)