Friday, March 4, 2011


Finally caught this movie with my mum!
She's a fan of Andy Lau haha.
I think it was on a saturday before exams.

*Spoilers! if u haven't watched*
Personally, I feel that it is a very nice movie.
It's really touching to see how the Shaolin monks sacrificed themselves to save others.
And the last part where the little monks cried seeing the temple being destroyed.

I had such a hard time finding a picture of this mei mei.
Wanted to show you because she is very cute!
Unfortunately she died...she got knocked by the horse carriage!
I guess it's retribution for Andy Lau ba.


But there's really one happy thing about this movie.
Before watching the movie, I only knew that there was going to be Andy Lau.
I had no idea who are the other Nicholas Tse and Fan Bing Bing (JinSuo!).
So when this guy showed up........
Jackie Chan!
I totally did not expect him to appear!
And he was very funny....haha talking in the Shan-dong accent.
It's like whenever Jackie Chan makes an appearance in those action-packed movies,
it makes watching the movie very enjoyable.
However he did not fight much.
He is a cook! "不会打架!"

Cos the main character is still Andy Lau, 候杰。

There was also a part where the little monks appeared.
Very cute.

Sorry, my expression of the movie is a little vague now....

But the 3 shi xiong died!!!
The way they died is kinda gory.
Especially the DaShiXiong. Omggggggggg.

The eldest monk, also died. sighsighsigh.

Sometimes I think bad things happen because we think too much.
We suspect one another,
sometimes it may be true and other times not.
And things become complicated.

There's this sentence in the movie which I remembered,
Evil roots from desires, doesn't it?

I want to think like the Shaolin monks.
Haha pure..... benevolent..... tsktsktsk.
Some reflection done after watching the movie!
Anyway this is a very nice song from the movie.
Sung by Andy Lau!

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